Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergi Makaleleri

  1. New numerical integration formulations for ordinary differential equations Beji APM 24b
  2. Evaluation of generalized error function via fast-converging power series Beji APM 24a
  3. Predictive maintenance for offshore wind turbines through deep learning and online clustering of unsupervised subsystems: a real-world implementation Lützen Beji JOEME 24
  4. An unorthodox arrangement of Boussinesq-type wave equations for accurate and robust numerical treatment Beji JMSE 23
  5. Simulation of shockwave effects on a ship-like structure due to underwater explosions Tatlisuluoglu Beji JEMS 23
  6. Estimating sums of convergent series via rational polynomials Beji APM 23
  7. Site selection and capacity determination of potential offshore wind farm in western Black Sea region of Turkiye Gahramanov Beji IJEGEO 23
  8. A geometric formulation and a series approach for estimating π with remarks on a Sumerian tablet Beji APM 22
  9. A conceptual design of an offshore wind farm off the Dikili shores Acar Beji GDTD 22
  10. A variant of Fermat’s Diophantine equation Beji APM 21c
  11. Blast pressure measurements of an underwater detonation in the sea Tatlisuluoglu Beji JMSA 21
  12. Polynomial functions composed of terms with non-integer powers Beji APM 21b
  13. Challenges and expected improvements in operation and maintenance of offshore wind turbines Lützen Beji JOT 21
  14. Evaluation of exponential integral by means of fast-converging power series Beji APM 21
  15. Formulation of wave and current forces acting on a body and resistance of ships Beji Ocean Eng 20
  16. Controlled course-keeping simulations of a ship under external disturbances Budak Beji Ocean Eng 20
  17. Resolution of Grandi’s paradox as extended to complex valued functions Beji APM 20
  18. Resolution of Grandi’s paradox and investigations on related series Beji AMEN 20
  19. Sounds generated by marine mammals and impacts of different types of underwater noise Beji JOT 19
  20. Nonlinear wave transformations and randomness Beji Coastal Eng J 19
  21. Applications of Morison’s equation to circular cylinders of varying cross-sections and truncated forms Beji Ocean Eng 19
  22. Improved Boussinesq-type equations for spatially and temporally varying bottom Beji Coastal Eng JII 18
  23. A fundamental relationship of polynomials and its proof Beji APM 18
  24. Statistical analyses of wave height and wind velocity distributions for the Sea of Marmara Erdik Beji IJEGEO 18
  25. Kadomtsev-Petvisahvili type equation for uneven water depths Beji Ocean Eng 18
  26. Kadomtsev-Petvisahvili type equation for entire range of relative water depths Beji Coastal Eng J 18
  27. Computational resistance analyses of a generic submarine hull form and its geometric variants Budak Beji JOT 16
  28. Improved Korteweg & de Vries type equation with consistent shoaling characteristics Beji Coastal Eng 16
  29. Rip current fatalities on the Black Sea beaches of Istanbul and effects of cultural aspects in shaping the incidents Barlas Beji Natural Hazards 16
  30. Improved explicit approximation of linear dispersion relationship for gravity waves Beji Coastal Eng 13
  31. Numerical simulation of waves generated by a moving pressure field Bayraktar Beji Ocean Eng 13
  32. A systematic approach to the exact roots of polynomials Beji Mediterr J Math 08
  33. Boundary-fitted numerical model for computing linear and nonlinear wave forces on bottom-mounted piles Barlas Beji App Ocean Res 06
  34. Fully dispersive nonlinear water wave model in curvilinear coordinates Beji Nadaoka J Comp Physics 04
  35. Boundary-fitted non-linear dispersive wave model for regions of arbitrary geometry Beji Barlas Int J Numer Meth Fluids 04
  36. Solution of Rayleigh’s instability equation for arbitrary wind profiles Beji Nadaoka J Fluid Mech 04
  37. A spectral model for unidirectional nonlinear wave propagation over arbitrary depths Beji Nadaoka Coastal Eng 99
  38. Note on conservation equations for nonlinear surface waves Beji Ocean Eng 98
  39. A time-dependent nonlinear mild-slope equation for water waves Beji Nadaoka Proc R Soc Lond A 97
  40. A fully dispersive weakly nonlinear model for water waves Nadaoka Beji Nakagawa Proc R Soc Lond A 97
  41. A formal derivation and numerical modeling of the improved Boussinesq equations for varying depth Beji Nadaoka Ocean Eng 96 Authors’ reply Beji Nadaoka Reply Ocean Eng 98
  42. Note on a nonlinearity parameter of surface waves Beji Coastal Eng 95 Kirby’s discussion Kirby Discussion Coastal Eng 98 Beji’s closure Beji Closure Coastal Eng 98
  43. Experimental verification of numerical model for nonlinear wave evolutions Ohyama Beji Nadaoka Battjes J Waterway Port Coastal Ocean Eng 94
  44. Numerical simulation of nonlinear wave propagation over a bar Beji Battjes Coastal Eng 94
  45. Experimental investigation of wave propagation over a bar Beji Battjes Coastal Eng 93
  46. Investigations on cubic polynomials Beji Int J Math Ed Sci Tech 92